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"I promise to do my best..."

"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to keep the Scout Law."

Georgina Moore, a former Scout (now a Young Leader) continues to live by these values.

Working part-time at Bridge Haven care home, Georgina saw an opportunity for residents to engage with the local Scouts.

Working together she and Julie Westbury (Activities Coordinator) organised a heart-warming and meaningful experience for both the Scouts and the residents.

On Saturday the 9th September 2023, Scouts from the 18th Dover (Shepherdswell) Scout Group, visited Bridge Haven care home to promote positive interactions and engagement between different generations.

Scout Leaders Peter Moore and Stewart Carolan-Evans, along with some of the Scouts from the 18th Dover (Shepherdswell) Scout Group, set up camp at Bridge Haven care home on the Saturday, and were involved in organising and participating in activities throughout the day. 

The Scouts spent the day engaged with residents in activities such as baking bread twists and discussing Scout principles.

They also helped with gardening chores, tidying up various areas of the gardens surrounding the care home.

The interaction between the Scouts and the residents prompted reminiscing about their own Scouting and Girl Guide experiences. Max, a resident who used to be a Scout in the 3rd Portsmouth Scouts, shared his experiences from 80 years ago, including a Scout tradition of shaking hands with the left hand.

In the evening, residents from the Avante Care home had the opportunity to enjoy toasted marshmallows around the camp fire.

Larry, a resident who had always wanted to be a Scout but never had the chance, was invested as an Honorary Scout around the campfire. Such a special moment for him, he was delighted.

Peter Moore, Scout Leader, said, ‘It was an honour to be invited to camp out at Bridge Haven care home, we had a wonderful weekend with many memories made amongst the Scouts and residents.

Larry was truly delighted to be an Honorary Scout and the following morning came to find me and with no prompt instantly shook my left hand.

One of the many principles and life skills we encourage amongst the Scouts is ‘to do a

good turn every day’ and I believe by supporting activities like these, it puts into

practice what we actively encourage.

It was heart-warming to chat with some of the residents who became more and more animated as they reflected on and shared their stories on when they used to be in the Girl

Guides or Scouts; For some, this would have been over 80 years ago.

The event not only brought joy and a sense of fulfilment to the residents but also allowed the Scouts to learn from and connect with a different generation, promoting intergenerational understanding and positive interactions. It's a heart-warming example of community engagement and the enduring spirit of Scouting.

We look forward to our next Scout event at Bridge Haven in a few weeks’ time’.

Are you in contact with the scouts in your area?

Consider contacting the organisers and collaborating with them to organise a similar event in your care home.


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