Emily Ramsey has lived at Ferrars Hall Care Home in Huntingdon, where she celebrated her 100th birthday with family, residents and staff last month.
Emily enjoyed a wonderful party complete with fabulous cake created by Chef Manager Bill and team, while her family gathered in the garden to wish her a happy birthday and take part in the celebrations.
Emily was very proud to receive her birthday card from Her Majesty, The Queen and puts her long life down to “A big family and hard work”.
“The team at Ferrars Hall would like to wish Emily a very happy birthday.” said Home Manager Susan Dunnell. “Emily is a great character and had a wonderful day celebrating her milestone birthday with us.”
Emily’s daughter Olwyn commented “Happy 100th birthday Mum, I can clearly see how much you are loved and cared for. Thank you Ferrars Hall for all your care and hard work to make mums day the very best”.
Emily does indeed have a big family, she has five children (three sons and two daughters), seventeen grandchildren, twenty-seven great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. She was born and raised in the village of Buckden, Cambridgeshire in 1921 and worked on a farm in her younger years.
She married her first husband in 1940, they were married for over forty years and Emily has been married to her second husband for twenty-seven years.
Emily has many hobbies and interests and loves to keep busy. Since moving to Ferrars Hall Care Home she has knitted blankets for premature babies to donate to the local maternity unit and recently completed a blanket for a member of staff to take on her maternity leave.

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