Wow! Thank you to everyone that voted for our blog during December, we really could not have done it without each and every one of you - You are fantastic supporters!
It is official and I am so excited to announce that we managed to make it through to the finals. I am seriously amazed that out of the 4,000 entries and nominations, we are one of only 6 company bloggers to have got through to the finals in the Social Influencer category - that is AMAZING!
We've received some brilliant blogs from our contributors, we've always been proud of being able to cover a vast range of related articles from the many people who are working had to support older people, including those with dementia, in their lifestyle choices. Thank you to all of you that has written for us this year. - We really do appreciate it.
One of our contributors - Joyce Williams, has also made it through to the finals in the individuals section and I'd like to congratulate 'Grandma Williams' here too - an amazing - check out her blog from December 2016 here to read how she became a successful blogger at 80+.
We are really looking forward to attending the UK Blog Awards 2018 on April 20th to meet other bloggers and social influencers. Take a look at the other businesses that made it through to the finals. https://blogawardsuk.co.uk/shortlisted-bloggers-business/
The judges are meeting on the 31st January to review our company blog, with their final decisions being made on the 16th February. They will then announce the winners at The UK Blog Awards.
You may have only just put down your glass after toasting in the New Year, but please raise a glass with us now to celebrate with all of our bloggers and their tremendous success!
Cheers! - and Thank you!