During tough times, more than ever we need to ensure that we consider our personal wellbeing. - And times don't get much tougher than this!
One thing that has great benefits for our mental health is the outdoors. So, although you may not feel like celebrating anything today, we recommend that you take a look at your surroundings and drink it all in.
Today is the day of the Vernal Equinox - the first day of spring according to the astronomical calendar, the perfect time to meditate on and be thankful for the new life around us.

If you can, get outside and watch for signs of spring. Wrap up warmly as there is still a chill in the air.
- Things to look out for are daffodils and other spring plants, leaves coming on the trees and bushes, spring blossom - forsythia and magnolias look fantastic at this time of year.
You might even like to cut some daffodils and/or tulips to take inside to make a small display.

- Listen out for the birdsong as well as watching the birds at your feeding stations.
- Check that the birds have fresh food and plenty of water too.
- Spring bulbs may still be available near you and these are really easy to plant. You may even find them on offer right now.
There's a lot more pleasure in planting bulbs when they are still in flower, even when the flowers are fading. Take care not to plant them too deep or they won't flower again next year.
- You might even enjoy a hot drink in your favourite mug, just standing and watching the clouds move across the sky, the soft breeze in the trees and the birds in flight.
If you can't get outside right now, make sure you can see the outside from your favourite chair.
Get up, if you can, and look outside - moving from window to window to see the different views.
Ask others to bring the outside in, using flowers and plants.

Gaze at pictures of the outside, use pictures in your home or ask others to post holiday brochures, gardening magazines, etc. for you to browse through.
Go back through this post and really look at the photographs I have included - they were all chosen purposefully for you, to raise your spirits.
These activities have all been noted for good practice to help with self-care to improve mental and physical wellbeing.
Think you'll be too busy looking after others today? - Why not enjoy at least one of these activities with someone you're caring for and help improve their wellbeing too.