Norrms McNamara was diagnosed with dementia over 10 years ago. Over the years he's become almost a daily part of my social media experiences as he shares is hopes, his fears and his experiences.
He has published several books and, perhaps his biggest achievement to date, has helped to build a network of Purple Angel Ambassadors around the world.
The Purple Angel charity, which he co-founded, does amazing work to support people with dementia and their families.
It is a great pleasure to be able to share some of his poems with you.
Many Care Homes are planning their activities for Dignity Action Day - 1st February and we hope that this particular poem will start you thinking about the smallest things which will add to the dignity in care offered to your residents.
My Care Home Chair
by Norrms McNamara
When I feel so lost and have nowhere to go,
When the clock hands are going so slow,
Give me a smile, as I sit here.
In my care home chair I have much to fear.
Never quite sure what's going on,
What day it is, or needs to be done.
People passing, chatting away,
yet not so many look my way.
I am here! Can't you see?
Hello all, this is ME!!
All it would take is a smile and a wave
to cheer me up and make my day.
So when you pass me in my chair,
I do think it's only fair,
- a smile, a nod or a cheeky wink
you could offer me with my drink.

This poem is an extract from Norrms latest book of poetry, 50+ Shades of Dementia
and is re-produced here with kind permission from Norrms McNamara