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The Same Man - Paul Hitchmough

Paul Hitchmough is a musician who was diagnosed with dementia a year ago. He wrote his song not only to express his feelings but to raise awareness of dementia and to raise as much money as possible for the Alzheimer's Society in aid of further research, and in supporting people and their carers who live with dementia.

The song was recorded with his friends and Liveability Service staff from Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust. Paul and his friends who are also living with dementia,or are carers of people with dementia all attend the Dementia Friendly Gym Sessions provided by the Liveability Service twice a week.

If you've downloaded Paul's song, then please share it with as many people as possible and ask them to donate to Pauls Just Giving page.

You just never know if or when this could affect your or your loved ones, so please be generous!

Raising money for

Alzheimer's Society
Charity Registration No. 296645

Alzheimer's Society is the leading UK care and research charity for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their families and carers. To find out more about fundraising for the Society log on to

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