Earlier this week we posted a blog about Sophie as she was presented with the Caring Hero Award at Springhill Care. This is part of their initiative to recognise staff who go above and beyond their role, named as #CaringHeroes.
It's wonderful to celebrate the caring nature of staff in care homes and goes along way towards creating a #happycarehome. In all honesty happiness in a care home will always start with the happiness of your staff.
I was reminded of this again when I listened to one of my favourite podcasts; The Road to Outstanding - Sophie Coulthard - Why wellbeing can be the catalyst for staff retention. During this episode Sophie mentioned a citation in The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor regarding The Order of The Elephant. Alexander Kjerulf describes this in a 2011 blog (read it here) - it's a great happiness at work initiative. I like Sophie's suggestion for using a hat rather than an elephant as care home staff rarely have their own desks and a hat can be transferred from one person to another very easily.
It would be great to include EVERYONE at the care home too - not limit it to staff.
Tell us how you celebrate people who really care in your home, write it in the comments box below this post.