As a Purple Angel Ambassador, inspired by Norman McNamara, I began to make small steps towards creating a Dementia Friendly Wellingborough a few months ago.
I have now got full backing from the Swansgate Centre with
their aim of ensuring ALL shops in the centre are Dementia Aware and they have arrangements under-way for Purple Angel stickers to be displayed in every shop window. This, together with the support received from the Wellingborough Chamber of Commerce and recent interest shown by the Borough Council of Wellingborough, should mean that we are well on the way to streets full of Purple Angels and confident shoppers.
The information supplied by Norman and Jane Moore explains some of the difficulties experienced by people with dementia when out shopping. Every customer facing staff member is expected to read the leaflet to further their own understanding so that they can support their customers appropriately.
Local independent shops have been amongst the first to sign-up and I made my initial contact with these through Facebook Messaging. I was also pleased whenSpecsavers in Wellingborough contacted me to let me know that their staff had read the information and are all dementia aware. These shops are now proudly displaying the Purple Angel logo in their windows. I’m looking forward to seeing more...